How to carry on second-hand September into your home
Vintage Bee printed napkins @
I fully intended to write this blog post about Oxfam’s second-hand September challenge weeks ago! But here we are, the last few days of September and I am only just getting round to it!! Those of you who don’t know I am a big believer in reduce, reuse, recycle and I only print on vintage or pre-loved fabrics. So here are some ways I try to carry on the #secondhandseptember ethos into my home.
Oxfam challenge us to only buy second-hand for the whole of September, in an effort to slow the giant that is throw away fashion! Every week 13 million items of clothing ends up in UK landfill. So, if you managed to do the challenge, give yourself a big pat on the back. If you did not then don’t worry, there are many ways we can be more mindful with future purchases and when getting rid of clothing. First you can sell (brilliant, bit of extra cash), next up is donating, (feel good factor) and lastly you can deposit at a textile recycling bank. H&M have boxes in store and will give you a voucher for every bag dropped. (win win)
To be honest with you, I am not a great lover of buying second-hand clothes, I would rather not buy clothes for the month instead. However saying that, I am a massive contradiction as I got married in a vintage wedding dress! Bought for £150!! It is my favourite item of clothing I have ever owned.
My bargain vintage wedding dress. I still love it as much if not more 11 years on.
Anyway, I do love second-hand & vintage home-ware pieces. So, I thought I would share with you a few ways you can bring individuality into your abode and save yourself some pounds along the way (hopefully!!)
An easy way to add an instant update to your tableware through colour or pattern without fully buying a whole new set, is by finding mismatched side plates or serving bowls, the more eclectic the better! You can often find ridiculously cheap pieces in charity shops or at car boot sales or raid your granny’s sideboard! I have a beautiful gold tea set left to me by my Grandma and I love that when I use it the happy memories come flooding back as well as adding a touch of sparkle to my table.
Grandma’s tea set teamed with vintage table linen
Another way to add an on-trend colour, is with glassware. Last Easter I fancied a splash of pink to complete the tablescape, so headed on down to my local vintage emporium. There I found the most delicate and beautiful etched water glasses. On my way to the till I then stumbled upon a 70’s style jug that matched the colour perfectly but with a completely different look. Sold!!!
Vintage glass bought from Crewes Hill Vintage
One of the best ways to bring your own unique style to your home is by up cycling furniture! Whether it is a piece you already own but looks a bit bland or a second-hand old wooden piece that needs a new lease of life! Old furniture is often a lot sturdier and will last you, (especially wooden drawers! No thin bottom that will sag and eat your clothes!) All you need is sandpaper, paint (tester pots are good) and some bees wax to finish it off. If you are adventurous, then you can even print your own material to reupholster chairs. I have many scattered around my house, used solely for boxing day meals when we have a very crowded dining table. (not likely this year! Thanks a bunch Covid!)
See picture for one chair I am currently selling with leaf print design seat.
Leaf design Chair. For Sale - £50. Collection only. - Message me through contact page on website or DM on Insta