Shop Small this Christmas.

As a small business, I am really loving the push to shop small this Christmas. The sharing of such accounts on Instagram especially by the ‘influencers’ has been amazing. I know the convenience of Amazon can win over, but if we shop early and shop small, it will make the world of difference to that little business. I bet Jeff isn’t doing a dance with every order that comes in!

So on that visual delight, I thought I would add a few close to my heart into the mix!

Christmas Stationary:

Fleurpressee -Home grown flowers, lovingly pressed & made into beautiful cards.

Ellie Cartlidge Textiles -Beautifully designed cards, wrapping and tags.

Sam Green Calligraphy -Really cute and funny hand illustrated cards.


Christmas Decorations:

Fabaclay -Handmade ceramic decorations. I have a couple of these on my tree and I love them.

Make Create Do London -Brilliantly colourful punched needle baubles.

A Stocking For Christmas -Handmade and personalized stockings and tree decorations. I have these for my kids and they look beautiful hung by the fire.


Christmas Gifts:

Tailor Made Living -One stop shop for gifts for everyone! From jewellery, to homeware, from kids toys to men’s t-shirts and everything in between. The shop is stocked full of things you won’t want to give away!

Lillian Daph -My go to shop when I am back up north! (they also do online) Fabulous interiors store.

Seventeen Minutes -Thoughtful gift boxes to make your loved ones smile. All gifts from small businesses.


Christmas Foliage:

Your London Florist -Awe inspiring arrangements. Always on trend and always a pleasure to visit their studio near me. They also now sell in Selfridges!!

Willow And Maw -Florist and cutting garden based in South East London. Stunning wreaths

The Language of Flowers -A new small business local to me in Crewes hill fulfilling all your table display and wreath needs!


There are so many more to mention!! But before I go, I will just also mention me!!

Hand printed designs on vintage fabrics. I make Christmas table linen, gift bags and of reusable crackers. Links to shop below!

Good luck with all your Christmas shopping! I think this year more than any something thoughtful is a great idea, so you do not have to bankrupt yourself! A handmade gift would be treasured.


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